029 xarfai smorgasbord e.p.

xarfai smorgasbord e.p.

Our newest artist comes originally from a beautiful green country, one which had been occupied centuries ago by wild hordes, which kept themselves alive by drinking a yellowish-glittering charmed mix. He reveals the musical variety of its self-sacrificing existence to the world. An existence which he dedicated to the poor and weak ones. His name is only camouflage, in order to protect the light, which dark forces demand from him. 

Do not be afraid to turn his music loud. There is no danger. 

Feedback is desired from those who dare and would like to say something.

Artwork by 
xarfai & tend

01 curare a
02 lahore a
03 fairytale forest a
04 magic potion a
05 ruxpin a
06 alles zusammen als .zip a
(written & produced by xarfai)s

date of release: 01.02.2007


home disclaimer and links

oderaufbrot brotcouture
polyfon feedback board

contact (tend@oderaufbrot.de)