014 dj norman plastik statt jute e.p.

dj norman plastik statt jute e.p.

Dj Norman was born in Kassel. He was one of the official resident DJ’s of the famous Stammheim Club in Kassel. His previous productions with Hörspielmusik exactly convey this special atmosphere. Now he has provided Broque.de with 5 various Techno-tracks – from dry minimal via Frickel-brute to Detroit- and Downbeats, which should be something for everyone.


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01 Schmoove a
02 Der Kardinal a
03 MRSA a
04 Die Qual von Minimal  
05 Erzähl was a
06 alles zusammen in einem .zip-File  s
(written & produced by dj norman)s
aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

date of release: 2005-09-05


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