011 maxx cavalerra untitled e.p.

maxx cavalerra untitled e.p.

Names are but sound and smoke. And so Maxx Cavalerra didn't make up short descriptions for his tracks at this time. He wants the people to  listen to his music impartial.
After the big success of his first net-EP the resident DJ of the Electric Delicate - Club Munich wants to show us, that he developes himself all the time. Soon he will release some new records. Always for the floor!

Feel free to download all the stuff, make party and if you have some words about - u can use our
feedback board. Thank you.

01 untitled 1 a
02 untitled 2 a
03 untitled 3* a
04 untitled 4*  
05 untitled 5 a
06 all together in a .zip-files
(written & produced by maxx cavalerra)s
* now only available on 12" MB Selektion 9w
aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

date of release: 2005-06-12


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polyfon feedback board

contact (tend@oderaufbrot.de)