082 | auto-pilot – the atlantic machine
Die Engländer Adrian Collier und Shaun Herbert veröffentlichen als Auto-Pilot mit Unterbrechungen bereits seit 1995, z.B. auf Labels wie Holophon oder Syngate. Adrian macht aber klar, dass „The Atlantic Machine“ definitiv ihr emotionalstes und persönlichstes Album ist: „Ich hatte ein besonders traumatisches und hartes Jahr und bin durch ein ziemliches emotionales Durcheinander gegangen. Aus dieser dunklen Situation kam der Anstoß zu diesem Album. Als ich nach all diesen Wirrungen zurück ans Tageslicht kam, wusste ich dass es an der Zeit war, meine Gedanken und Gefühle in einem Konzeptalbum zu verewigen. […] In der Tat ist auch der Titeltrack des Albums Ausdruck meiner Erlösung. Das Album repräsentiert meine Entdeckungsreise und Selbstsuche nach der Stelle im Leben an der ich wieder stehen wollte.“ Im Gegensatz zu dem, was man vor diesem Hintergrund erwarten würde, ist „The Atlantic Machine“ ein in sich sehr optimistisches, kraftvolles und musikalisch äußerst abwechslungsreiches Album geworden, das uns von traditioneller Ambient Elektronika über Dub und Post-Rock Exkurse sogar tief in ein paralleles Pop-Universum führt, das aus emotionalen Autotune-Balladen und euphorischen Post-Punk Songs besteht. Die Vielseitigkeit des Albums ist dabei direktes Ergebnis von Auto-Pilot’s Multi-Instrumentalismus und ihren facettenreichen Kollaborationen mit Artists wie dem kanadischen Rapper SHAM Art, Bass-Gitarrist Malcolm Brown, Soundtüftler Greg Bonnier (Do Not Resuscitate) oder Michael Jansen (Mastering Perfection), der dem Album ein wunderbar ausbalanciertes Mastering verpasst hat. „The Atlantic Machine“ ist die wunderbare und hochgradig persönliche Dokumentation von Auto-Pilot’s Reise zurück ans Licht.
- sunrise over
- after the big one
- do not resuscitate
- stop the clock
- life
- the atlantic machine
- golden touch
- my new friend
- project 89
- level one
- Download .zip-file
All tracks written and performed by Adrian Collier except 03 (Do not resuscitate) music written and performed by Adrian Collier, lyrics written and performed by SHAM Art, additional sound engineering by Greg Bonnier. Additional performance from Shaun Herbert playing synth throughout album and bass by Malcolm Brown in track 07 (Golden Touch). All tracks mastered by (Mastering Perfection) Michal Jansen except 09 (project 89) mastered by Adrian Collier.
artwork by Auto-Pilot
get your cd-copy here: 9voltrecords.com
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Some feedback:
Ignacio Cantisano nice work – Global Beat Radio / Masmusic.tv So relax! – Roko (Sub.fm/B.O.M.B.) lush vibes, gotta check it in full. – Manchester Global Radio Beautiful atmospheric sounds :) Gemma Furbank – Mark EG (Tilllate Magazine/Core Magazine) Heavy stuff! – Xavier Morel big….. – Teknobrat / Ottawa Radio Show Really nice album to relax too.. Full of rich soundscapes, I would classify this as a hybrid between ambient, downtempo, breakbeats, acoustic, experimental and to some degree even dub… I rate this Album 8 on 10 Kind Regards Thomas „Teknobrat“ Stepien CKCU 93.1 FM Ottawa, CANADA – Diversions on chry105.5fm great sounding album – especially like the melodic expanse of STOP THE MACHINE – Swoon/ pastlessonfuturetheories blog Like Sunrise, Stop the clock, golden touch, my new friend, – Different Grooves supported by differentgrooves.com – The-Zone.it great album! – Laurent N. (Atavisme) Cool album : nice to ear this nice stuff. SUPPORT !!! – paris-one.com (Sebastian Baylet) Nice work ! But too pop for me ! (Chito P1 Reverse) – Benoît Carretier (Tsugi) seems nice – MCD magazine / WTM radio show (MCD Magazine) as usual, playlist is coming soon…;) – Jeff Roll (gradientmagazine.com) awesome stuff – Expander (Sonic Culture) Weird but interesting – Noice Podcast Series a NIce Ambio Techno Swirler. very outside of the Box…. – luke stokes the flow of this record seems to be all over the place but it would appear that the only constant is the chill fact. a very interesting concept album. – Anton Banks (88.1FM WESU The Vault Radio Show) Some chill material here. I’ll try a couple of these. Thanks! – Paul Daily (DJ Times) Deep, lush, emotional album. Really well done. – Docepulgadas Sorry not for me – Raul (Clubbing Spain) Great release!! Soon in Clubbingspain.com – Angel Santos (DJ Mag Spain) Great work! Thanks Review confirmed – Luis Rozalen (Clubbing Spain) absolutely dark and lovely – DJ Javimar (DJ Mag Spain) Great albun, excellent. – DJ Nori (Posivision) Feel relax! – Northern Rivers Echo / The Indoor Sessions yeeew – Martin Heyder (Raveline) Review in April issue confirmed – Bleed (De:Bug) review to follow – Radio Z – tiefton + headz (Radio Z) not my cot – Tim Thaler (3headz) Downloading for BLN.FM radio, Berlin. – Technoszene.com Good Album – Alex (Electrosound.TV) nice ones! downloading for electrosound.tv thx – Technoszene.com review – Todd Burns (Resident Advisor) Thanks! – Hipodrome Interesting album, I particullary like the post-rosk part in the end. – teknology.free.fr/ radioshow Very nice production, diverse influences, styles, support! – Switch / Studio Brussel (theclubbing.com) Average – XFM Dublin / No Territory Show not really into this one from first listen but will keep listening…thanks – Alfred Bos (DJ Broadcast) Not your run-of-the-mill ambient techno album and all the better for it – Alec Troniq Wow, what an album! I love the way auto-pilot switches the moods with mystical harmonies.. that’s so lovely! I also hear lotta references to Pink Floyd (if desired or not) and that’s great! And there are many other surprises, nothing is uniform here. After The Big One, Life, My New Friend, … grand hymns! With all these connecting passages which tell real stories. Golden Touch could be an 80s film soundtrack, reminds me of Sebastien Tellier. I think this album will increase its impressive effect after hearing it again and again and again – and I will!